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/-|Hound of the Baskervilles, The|---------------------------------------------\
| Hound of the Baskervilles, The                                               |
|                                                                              |
|      The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902; 7 films, the first made in         |
| 1917),/-|Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan|------------------------------------1/5----\|
| the ce| Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan                                           | ||
| the mo|                                                                   | ||
| of his|      Arthur Conan Doyle, b. May 22, 1859, d. July 7, 1930, was an |#||
| Charle| English novelist who is widely known as the creator of the        | ||
| story | detective Sherlock HOLMES. Doyle was also a medical doctor. His   | ||
| to wri| first story featuring Holmes, A Study in Scarlet, appeared in     | ||
|       | Beeton's Christmas Annual in 1887. After 1890 he pursued writing  | ||
|      J| full time, completing such further Holmes adventures as The       | ||
|       | Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1894), the popular The Hound of the   | ||
\-------| Baskervilles (1902), and his last book featuring the detective,   | |/
        | /-|Browse Titles|----------------------------------3470/7695----\ | | 
        | | Holmes, Oliver Wendell                                      |^| |v| 
        \-| Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.                                 |#|---/ 
          | Holmes, Sherlock                                            | |     
          | holmium                                                     | |     
          | Holocaust                                                   |v|     
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