Fontosabb levelezőcsoportok az Internet/Bitnet hálózatokon

A GUIDE TO INTERNET/BITNET Dana Noonan February 1993 A Metro Library User Network Guide Metropolitan State University Distributed by Metronet (The contents of this guide may be freely distributed and copied provided the above credits are included.) SELECTED SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP LISTS AIDSNEWS AIDSNEWS@RUTVM1 AIDS Treatment News ALTLEARN ALTLEARN@SJUVM Alternative Approaches to Learning AMLIT-L AMLIT-L@UMCVMB American Literature Discussion Group AMNESTY AMNESTY@JHUVM Amnesty International list AMWEST-H AMWEST-H@USCVM AmWest-H - American West History ANCIEN-L ANCIEN-L@ULKYVM History of the Ancient Mediterranean ANTHRO-L ANTHRO-L@UBVM General Anthropology Bulletin Board APASD-L APASD-L@VTVM2 APA Research Psychology Network APNET-L APNET-L@JPNSUT00 Asia Pacific Network ARCH-L ARCH-L@DGOGWDG1 Archaeology List ARTCRIT ARTCRIT@YORKVM1 Art Criticism Discussion Forum ASEH-L ASEH-L@TTUVM1 American Society Of Environmental AUTORACE AUTORACE@INDYCMS Discussion of Auto Racing Historians AVIATION AVIATION@BRUFPB General Aviation List BEER-L BEER-L@UA1VM Homebrew Digest Redistribution List BELIEF-L BELIEF-L@BROWNVM Personal Ideologies Discussion List BEVPUB-L BEVPUB-L@VTVM1 Blacksburg Electronic Village BGRASS-L BGRASS-L@UKCC Bluegrass music discussion. BIRDCNTR BIRDCNTR@ARIZVM1 National Birding Hotline Cooperative BLIND-L BLIND-L@UAFSYSB Computer Use by and for the Blind BUDDHIST BUDDHIST@JPNTOHOK Forum on Indian and Buddhist Studies C+HEALTH C+HEALTH@IUBVM Computing and Health CANADA-L CANADA-L@MCGILL1 Canadian Issues Forum CCNEWS CCNEWS@BITNIC Campus Computing Newsletter Editors CENTAM-L CENTAM-L@UBVM Central America Discussion CGE CGE@MARIST Computer Graphics Education Newsletter CHEMED-L CHEMED-L@UWF Chemistry Education Discussion CHESS-L CHESS-L@GREARN The Chess Discussion List CHILE-L CHILE-L@PURCCVM Discussion regarding Chile CHINANET CHINANET@TAMVM1 CHINANET: Networking In China CINEMA-L CINEMA-L@AUVM Discussions on all forms of Cinema CJUST-L CJUST-L@IUBVM Criminal Justice Discussion CLASSM-L CLASSM-L@BROWNVM Classical Music List CNIDIR-L CNIDIR-L@UNMVMA Coalition for Networked Information COMICS-L COMICS-L@UNLVM COMICS Discussion List COMLAW-L COMLAW-L@UALTAVM Computers and Legal Education COMMDIS COMMDIS@RPIECS Speech disorders COMMED COMMED@RPIECS Communication education CSA-DATA CSA-DATA@UICVM Chinese Statistical Archive CWIS-L CWIS-L@WUVMD Campus-Wide Info Systems DAIRY-L DAIRY-L@UMDD Dairy Discussion List DANCE-L DANCE-L@HEARN Folkdance and traditional dance DESIGN-L DESIGN-L@PSUVM Basic Design DEVEL-L DEVEL-L@AUVM Technology Transfer in Int. Development DIABETES DIABETES@IRLEARN International Research Project DJ-L DJ-L@NDSUVM1 DJ-L Campus Radio Disk Jockey DOROTHYL DOROTHYL@KENTVM Mystery Discussion DRUGABUS DRUGABUS@UMAB Drug Abuse Education EARLYM-L EARLYM-L@AEARN Early Music Discussion List EAT-L EAT-L@VTVM2 FoodLore/Recipe Exchange EC EC@INDYCMS European Community ECOLOG-L ECOLOG-L@UMDD Ecological Society of America ECONED-L ECONED-L@UTDALLAS Research in Economic Education ECONOMY ECONOMY@TECMTYVM Economic Problems in Less Developed Countries EDINFO-L EDINFO-L@IUBVM Educational Information list EDTECH EDTECH@OHSTVMA Educational Technology EDUCOM-W EDUCOM-W@BITNIC EDUCOM Women & Information Technology EDUTEL EDUTEL@RPIECS Education and information technologies EJCREC EJCREC@RPIECS Electronic Journal of Communication EMERG-L EMERG-L@MARIST Emergency Services Discussion List EMUSIC-D EMUSIC-D@AUVM Electronic Music Digest ENERGY-L ENERGY-L@TAUNIVM Energy List ENVBEH-L ENVBEH-L@POLYGRAF Forum on Environment and Human Behavior EQUINE-L EQUINE-L@PCCVM Discussion forum for Horse fanciers ESPER-L ESPER-L@TREARN Esperanto List ETHICS-L ETHICS-L@MARIST Discussion of Ethics in Computing ETHMUS-L ETHMUS-L@UMDD EthnoFORUM, global ethnomusicology ETHOLOGY ETHOLOGY@FINHUTC Ethology FAMCOMM FAMCOMM@RPIECS Marital/family relational communication FAMILY-L FAMILY-L@UMCVMB Delivery of Family Practice and Clinical Medicine FAMLYSCI FAMLYSCI@UKCC Family Science Network FELINE-L FELINE-L@PCCVM Discussion forum for Cat fanciers FICINO FICINO@UTORONTO Renaissance & Reformation FILM-L FILM-L@VMTECMEX Film making and reviews list FINE-ART FINE-ART@RUTVM1 Fine-Art Forum FLYFISH FLYFISH@UMAB Fly Fishing Digest FOLKLORE FOLKLORE@TAMVM1 Folklore Discussion List FWAKE-L FWAKE-L@IRLEARN Finnegans Wake (by James Joyce) GAELIC-L GAELIC-L@IRLEARN GAELIC Language Bulletin Board GARDENS GARDENS@UKCC Gardens & Gardening GENDER GENDER@RPIECS Communication and gender GEODESIC GEODESIC@UBVM Discussion of Buckminster Fuller GEOGRAPH GEOGRAPH@FINHUTC Geography GEOLOGY GEOLOGY@PTEARN Geology Discussion List GERINET GERINET@UBVM Geriatric Health Care GRANOLA GRANOLA@GITVM1 GRANOLA: Vegetarian Discussion GREEN GREEN@INDYCMS Green movements list GUTNBERG GUTNBERG@UIUCVMD Project Gutenberg Email List HEALTH-L HEALTH-L@IRLEARN Int. Discussion on Health Research HEGEL HEGEL@VILLVM Discussion list for HEGEL society HELLAS HELLAS@AUVM The Hellenic Discussion List HELP-NET HELP-NET@TEMPLEVM Bitnet/Internet Help Resource HERB HERB@TREARN Medicinal and Aromatic Plants HISLAW-L HISLAW-L@ULKYVM History of Law (Feudal, Common, Canon) HISTORY HISTORY@FINHUTC History List HIT HIT@UFRJ Highly Imaginative Technologies HORROR HORROR@PACEVM Horror HPSST-L HPSST-L@QUCDN History and Philosophy of Science HRD-L HRD-L@UMCVMB Human Resource Development HUMANIST HUMANIST@BROWNVM HUMANIST Discussion HYPERCRD HYPERCRD@PURCCVM Hypercard Discussion List IDFORUM IDFORUM@YORKVM1 Industrial Design Forum INDIA INDIA@PCCVM The India List INGRAFX INGRAFX@PSUVM Information Graphics INT-LAW INT-LAW@UMINN1 Foreign and International Law Issues IOOB-L IOOB-L@UGA Industrial Psychology IOUDAIOS IOUDAIOS@YORKVM1 First Century Judaism INTERPER INTERPER@RPIECS Interpersonal/small group communication ISAGA-L ISAGA-L@UHCCVM Int'l Simulation & Gaming Assn. Forum JAPAN JAPAN@FINHUTC Info-Japan JAZZ-L JAZZ-L@TEMPLEVM Jazz Lovers' List JDOCS-DB JDOCS-DB@TEMPLEVM Journalism/Mass Comm Documents JOURNET JOURNET@QUCDN Journalism Education JUGGLING JUGGLING@INDYCMS For Jugglers of all abilities KIDCAFE KIDCAFE@NDSUVM1 KIDCAFE Youth Dialog KIDS-92 KIDS-92@NDSUVM1 KIDS-92 Project List KIDS-93 KIDS-93@NDSUVM1 KIDS-93 Project List L-CHA L-CHA@UQAM Canadian Hist. Association L-ETHO L-ETHO@UQAM Ethologistes/Ethologists LABOR-L LABOR-L@YORKVM1 Labor in the North American Economy LAIDOFF LAIDOFF@ARIZVM1 So, you've been laidoff? LANTRA-L LANTRA-L@FINHUTC Interpreting (and) translation LAWSCH-L LAWSCH-L@AUVM Law School Discussion List LGA-L LGA-L@UREGINA1 Local Government Administration List LINGUIST LINGUIST@TAMVM1 LINGUIST LITERARY LITERARY@UCF1VM Discussions about Literature LIVE-EYE LIVE-EYE@YORKVM1 Color and Vision Discussion LLTI LLTI@DARTCMS1 Language Learning and Technology Intl. LORE LORE@NDSUVM1 LORE - Folklore List MAGAZINE MAGAZINE@RPIECS Magazines MARKET-L MARKET-L@UCF1VM Marketing academics and practitioners MASSCOMM MASSCOMM@RPIECS Mass comm. and new technologies MBA-L MBA-L@MARIST MBA Student ciriculum discussion MEDIA-L MEDIA-L@BINGVMB Media in Education METHODS METHODS@IRLEARN BIOSCI Methods-and-Reagents MEXICO MEXICO@VMTECMEX Lista de distribucion "Mexico" MEXICO-L MEXICO-L@TECMTYVM Knowing Mexico: people, places, culture MIDEUR-L MIDEUR-L@UBVM Discussion of Middle Europe MINCON MINCON@UKCC Minority Recruitment and Retention MMEDIA-L MMEDIA-L@VMTECMEX Multimedia discussion list MORTAR-L MORTAR-L@UMCVMB Mortar Board, Inc. Discussion MOUNT-L MOUNT-L@TRMETU Mountaineering Discussion List MUSEUM- MUSEUM-L@UNMVMA MUSEUM-L - MUSEUM discussion MUSIC MUSIC@FINHUTC Music-Research MUSIC-ED MUSIC-ED@UMINN1 MUSIC-ED Music Education MUSLIMS MUSLIMS@ASUACAD Muslim News Network NATIVE-L NATIVE-L@TAMVM1 Issues Pertaining to Aboriginal People NBEA NBEA-L@AKRONVM National Business Education Assn. Disc. NCS-L NCS-L@UMDD National Crime Survey NEW-LIST NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1 NEW-LIST - New List Announcements NEWBOOKS NEWBOOKS@RPIECS New Books in Communication NEWCROPS NEWCROPS@PURCCVM Discussion list for New Crops NMUSIC-L NMUSIC-L@NCSUVM New Music Discussion List NSP-L NSP-L@RPIECS Noble Savage Philosphers NUTEPI NUTEPI@DB0TUI11 Nutritional epidemiology NUTWORKS NUTWORKS@TCSVM NutWorks Distribution list ORGCOMM ORGCOMM@RPIECS Communication in organizations OUTDOR-L OUTDOR-L@ULKYVM Outdoor Discussion Group PA_NET PA_NET@SUVM1 Public Administration Network PACARC-L PACARC-L@WSUVM1 Pacific Rim Archaeology PAGEMAKR PAGEMAKR@INDYCMS PageMaker for Desktop Publishers PANET-L PANET-L@YALEVM Medical Education and Health PHILCOMM PHILCOMM@RPIECS Philosophy of communication PHILOSOP PHILOSOP@YORKVM1 Philosophy Discussion Forum PHOTO-L PHOTO-L@BUACCA Photography Phorum PHOTOSYN PHOTOSYN@TAUNIVM Photosynthesis Researchers' PHYS-L PHYS-L@UCF1VM Forum for Physics Teachers PHYSIC-L PHYSIC-L@TAUNIVM Physics List POD-L POD-L@TAMVM1 Professional Organizational & Development Disc. POLAND-L POLAND-L@UBVM Discussion of Polish Culture POLCOMM POLCOMM@RPIECS Political communication POLI-SCI POLI-SCI@RUTVM1 Political Science Digest POLITICS POLITICS@UCF1VM Discussion of Politics POP-BIO POP-BIO@IRLEARN BIOSCI Population Biology PRO-CITE PRO-CITE@IUBVM Personal Bibliographic Software PROTEINS PROTEINS@IRLEARN BIOSCI Protein-Analysis PSI-L PSI-L@RPIECS Parapsychology Discussion Forum PSRT-L PSRT-L@UMCVMB Political Science Research & Teaching PSTAT-L PSTAT-L@IRLEARN Discussion of Stats and Programming PURTOPOI PURTOPOI@PURCCVM Rhetoric, Language, Prof. Writing QNTEVA-L QNTEVA-L@PSUVM Quantitative Methods: Theory & Design QUAKE-L QUAKE-L@NDSUVM1 QUAKE-L Discussion List QUALRS-L QUALRS-L@UGA Qualitative Research for the Human Sciences RAILROAD RAILROAD@PCCVM The Railroad List RE-FORUM RE-FORUM@UTARLVM1 Real Estate Forum RECYCLE RECYCLE@UMAB Recycling in Practice REED-L REED-L@UTORONTO Records of Early English Drama REGS-L REGS-L@ALBNYDH2 Title 10 Rules and Regulations RELIGCOM RELIGCOM@UKCC RELIGCOM --A Discussion forum REMOTE-L REMOTE-L@SUVM Discussion of Remote Control Hobbies RENAIS-L RENAIS-L@ULKYVM Early Modern History - Renaissance REVIEW-L REVIEW-L@UOTTAWA Electronic Journal Reviews Discussion RHETORIC RHETORIC@RPIECS Rhetoric, social movements, persuasion ROOTS-L ROOTS-L@NDSUVM1 ROOTS-L Genealogy List RURALDEV RURALDEV@KSUVM Community & Rural Economic Development RUSSIA RUSSIA@INDYCMS Russia and her neighbors list SBSWE-L SBSWE-L@SBCCVM Society of Women Engineers SCREEN-L SCREEN-L@UA1VM Film and TV Studies Discussion SCIFRAUD SCIFRAUD@ALBNYVM1 Discussion of Fraud in Science SFLOVERS SFLOVERS@RUTVM1 SF-Lovers List SHAKER SHAKER@UKCC Shaker - A forum SHAKSPER SHAKSPER@UTORONTO Shakespeare Electronic Conference SKEPTIC SKEPTIC@YORKVM1 Skeptic Discussion Group SLART-L SLART-L@PSUVM Second Language Acquisition SLOVAK-L SLOVAK-L@UBVM Discussion of Slovak issues SM-RUM SM-RUM@ICNUCEVM Small Ruminant Discussion List SOCORG-K SOCORG-K@UTORONTO Social Organization of Knowledge SOCWORK SOCWORK@UMAB Social Work Discussion List SOS-DATA SOS-DATA@UNCVM1 Social Science Data List SPORTPSY SPORTPSY@TEMPLEVM Exercise and Sports Psychology SPSSX-L SPSSX-L@MARIST SPSSX(r) Discussion SSREL-L SSREL-L@UTKVM1 Scientific Study of Religion STAT-GEO STAT-GEO@UFRJ Quantitative Methods in Geosciences STAT-L STAT-L@MCGILL1 Statistical Consulting STATEPOL STATEPOL@UMAB Politics in the American States STATLG-L STATLG-L@SBCCVM Baseball League and Sports Disc. STLHE-L STLHE-L@UNBVM1 Teaching & Learning in Higher Educ. STOPRAPE STOPRAPE@BROWNVM Sexual Assault Activist List STORM-L STORM-L@UIUCVMD STORM-L Storms and weather STREK-L STREK-L@PCCVM Star Trek Fan Club STUTT-L STUTT-L@TEMPLEVM Stuttering: Research & Clinical Practice SWL-L SWL-L@CUVMA Short Wave Listener's List TEACHEFT TEACHEFT@WCU Teaching Effectiveness TESL-L TESL-L@CUNYVM TESL-L: Teachers of English TEXTILES TEXTILES@TREARN Textiles & Clothing Studies THEATRE THEATRE@GREARN The Theatre Discussion List TOLKIEN TOLKIEN@JHUVM J.R.R.Tolkien's books TOOLB-L TOOLB-L@UAFSYSB Asymetrix "Toolbook" product TRANSIT TRANSIT@GITVM1 Transit Issues Discussion List TRAVEL-L TRAVEL-L@TREARN Tourism Discussions TRDEV-L TRDEV-L@PSUVM Training and Development List TWAIN-L TWAIN-L@YORKVM1 Mark Twain Forum TYPO-L TYPO-L@IRLEARN Discussion of Typography TV-L TV-L@TREARN TV Discussions UN UN@INDYCMS United Nations URBAN-L URBAN-L@TREARN Urban Planning Discussion List URBANET URBANET@MSU Urban Planning Student Network VAMPYRES VAMPYRES@GUVM Vampiric lore, fact and fiction VETMED-L VETMED-L@UGA Veterinary Medicine VIDNET-L VIDNET-L@UGA Video Network Discussion List VIRTU-L VIRTU-L@UIUCVMD VR / sci.virtual-worlds VPIEJ-L VPIEJ-L@VTVM1 Publishing E-Journals VOLCANO VOLCANO@ASUACAD VOLCANO WIN3-L WIN3-L@UICVM Microsoft Windows Version 3 WMST-L WMST-L@UMDD Women's Studies List WOODWORK WOODWORK@IPFWVM Woodworking Discussions WORLD-L WORLD-L@UBVM Forum on non-Eurocentric world history WORDS-L WORDS-L@YALEVM English Language Discussion WP51-L WP50-L@OTTAWA WordPerfect Corp. Products WRITENG WRITENG@NDSUVM1 WRITENG Writing in Engineering XCULT-L XCULT-L@PSUVM Intercultural Newsletter SELECTED LIBRARY AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT LISTS ALCTS ALCTS@UICVM ALCTS List ALF-L ALF-L@YORKVM1 Academic Librarian's Forum ARCHIVES ARCHIVES@INDYCMS Archives & Archivists list ARLIS-L ARLIS-L@UKCC Arts Libraries Discussion List ASISAH ASISAH@GWUVM ASIS Discussion List AUTOCAT AUTOCAT@UVMVM Library cataloging & authorities disc. BI-L BI-L@BINGVMB Bibliographic Instruction Disc. Group BRS-L BRS-L@USCVM BRS/Search Full Text Retrieval Software BSRUSERS BSRUSERS@PUCC BSR Software discussion list BUSLIB BUSLIB@IDBSU Issues related to business libraries CARL-L CARL-L@UHCCVM CARL User's Information List CARLS CARLS@UMAB Colorado Alliance Of Research Libraries CDROM-L CDROM-L@UCCVMA CD-ROM CIRCPLUS CIRCPLUS@IDBSU Library Circulation Issues DOEXP DOEXP@USCVM Electronic Library Consortium Requests ELDNET-L ELDNET-L@UIUCVMD Engineering Libraries Division Network EXLIBRIS EXLIBRIS@RUTVM1 Rare Books and Special Collections FEDSIG-L FEDSIG-L@WVNVM Federal Electronic Data GLSWICHE GLSWICHE@ARIZVM1 Library Science Conference GOVDOC-L GOVDOC-L@PSUVM Government Documents Issues HULINTRO HULINTRO@HARVARDA Harvard University Library Intro ILL-L ILL-L@UVMVM Interlibrary Loan INFO+REF INFO+REF@INDYCMS Information + Referral list IR-L IR-L@UCCVMA Information Retrieval List LALA LALA-L@UGA Latin Americanist Librarians LAMA-L LAMA-L@UMAB Library Administration and Management LAW-LIB LAW-LIB@UCDAVIS.EDU Law Librarians LIBER LIBER@UVMVM Libraries/Media Services Communication LIBPLN-L LIBPLN-L@QUCDN University Library Planning LIBREF-L LIBREF-L@KENTVM Library Reference Issues LIBADMIN LIBADMIN@UMAB Library Administration and Management LIBRES LIBRES@KENTVM Library and Information Science Research LIBSUP-L LIBSUP-L@PSUVM Library Support Staff Network LISRBC1L LISRBC1L@NMSUVM1 ACRL Researh - Bibl. Control LISRBC2L LISRBC2L@NMSUVM1 ACRL Researh - Bibl. Control LISRCM-L LISRCM-L@NMSUVM1 ACRL Reseach - Collection Management LISRES-L LISRES-L@NMSUVM1 ACRL Research - Expert Systems LISRLE1L LISRLE1L@NMSUVM1 ACRL Research - Library Effectiveness 1 LISRLE2L LISRLE2L@NMSUVM1 ACRL Research - Library Effectiveness 2 LISRSC-L LISRSC-L@NMSUVM1 ACRL Research - Scholarly Communication LISRUU-L LISRUU-L@NMSUVM1 ACRL Research - Understanding The User MAPS-L MAPS-L@UGA Maps & Air Photo System Forum MEDINF-L MEDINF-L@YALEVM Biomedical Informatics MEDLIB-L MEDLIB-L@UBVM Medical Libraries Discussion MLA-L MLA-L@IUBVM Music Library Association NOTIS-L NOTIS-L@TCSVM NOTIS/DOBIS discussion group NOTISACQ NOTISACQ@ULKYVM NOTIS Acquisitions Disucssion NOTMUS-L NOTMUS-L@UBVM NOTIS Music Library List NOTRBCAT NOTRBCAT@INDYCMS NOTRBCAT Rare Book And Special OFFCAMP OFFCAMP@WAYNEST1 Off-Campus Library Services PACS-L PACS-L@UHUPVM1 Public-Access Computer Systems SERIALST SERIALST@UVMVM SERIALS in libraries SPILIB-L SPILIB-L@SUVM SPIRES Library Discussion SPIRES-L SPIRES-L@BITNIC SPIRES Conference TESLA TESLA@NERVM Tech. Standards for Library Automation
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