The 'Land of the Romanians'
The Cumanian County and the Province of Severin

For the documents referring to 'Terra Blacorum' and early commentaries, see the chronological compilation in Documenta Valachorum. For a judicious assessment of the royal charter dated 1222, but forged in 1231, and of the papal endorsement, see Maria HOLBAN, Die cronica relaţiilor româno-ungare în secolele XIII-XIV (Bucharest, 1981), pp. 9-48).

H. GÖCKENJAN, Hilfsvölker, pp. 89-114); and Petre DIACONU, Les Petchenègues au Bas-Danube (Bucharest, 1970).

For the events in the Cumanians' Land, see P. DIACONU, Cumanii la Dunărea de jos (Bucharest, 1976); Ioan FERENT, Cumanii şi episcopia lor (Blaj, 1931)