List of Maps
1. Transylvania at the Time of the Dacian Kingdom
(designed by A. Mócsy, drawing by B. Nagy)
2. Dacia between 106 and 271
(designed by E. Tóth, drawing by B. Nagy)
3. The Abandonment of Dacia
(designed by E. Tóth, drawing by B. Nagy)
4. The Goths in Dacia, 270-376/380
(designed by I. Bóna, drawing by B. Nagy)
5. The Gepids in Transylvania and in the Eastern Great Plain 445/455-567
(designed by I. Bóna, drawing by B. Nagy)
6. The Population of Transylvania and the Eastern Great Plain between 567 and 895
(designed by I. Bóna, drawing by B. Nagy)
7. Transylvania and the Eastern Great Plain at the Time of the Hungarian Conquest and the Establishment of the Hungarian State
(designed by I. Bóna, drawing by B. Nagy)
8. Settlements in Transylvania and in the Eastern Great Plain between 1003 and 1172
(designed by I. Bóna, drawing by B. Nagy)
9. Hungarian Settlements in the Eastern Third of the Carpathian Basin at the Time of the Hungarian Conquest and the Árpád Dynasty where Earthen Cauldrons and Pots with Ribbed Necks have been Found
(designed I. Bóna, drawing by B. Nagy)
10. Better-known Romanian Place-names in Transylvania before 1400
(designed by L. Makkai, drawing by B. Nagy)
11. Hungarian Settlements in Transylvania in the Middle of the 13th Century,
on the Basis of Place-names
(designed by L. Makkai, drawing by B. Nagy)
12. The Sub-division of the Diocese of Transylvania and Eastern Hungary
at the Beginning of the 14th Century
(designed and drawing by B. Nagy after T. Ortvay ed., Magyarország egyházi földleírása a XIV. század elején. [Description of the Church District of Hungary in the Beginning of the 14th Century.] I-II. Budapest 1891-1892
13. Orthodox Romanian Churches up to the Middle of the 16th Century
(designed by L. Palovics, drawing by B. Nagy after G. Entz, Mitteralterliche rumänische Holzkirchen in Siebenbürgen. Omagiu lui George Oprescu. Cu prilejul împlinirii de ani. Bucharest 1961, p. 170)
14. Transylvania and Eastern Hungary in the 15th-16th Centuries
(designed G. Barta, drawing by B. Nagy)
15. Development of the Transylvanian Principality between 1541 and 1570
(designed and drawing by B. Nagy)