Controlled vocabulary

Name of the vocabularydata element catalogue
Name of the owner of the vocabularybarbro ilvemo
Email of the ownerbarbro.ilvemo [at]
Phone of the owner+46 (0)31 61 27 74
Fax of the owner+46 (0)31 23 81 44
Contributors (people and/or organizations)The Carlotta Group:
Folkens Museum/Etnografiska, Stockholm
Kulture i Lund
Malmö museer
Helsingborgs museum
Göteborgs Stadsmuseum
Official language of the vocabularyswedish
Second languages of vocabulary
Type of the vocabularyGlossary or terminology
Coverage of the vocabularyThe data element catalogue is supposed to cover objects from cultural history, photos, litterature, archaeology, theatre, industrial history, art history, technical history, buildings and environmental values
If the vocabulary is a simple and small list of terms

Publishing date of this version of the vocabularyDecember 2003
Updating frequency
How many terms (lexical units) contains this vocabulary?Between 101 and 500
Which thesaurus features are supported?Use AND ;
How is the controlled vocabulary available?Through the Internet
URL of the vocabulary62.88.132.23/pls/carlotta/
Specific contextHigher Education, Library, Archive, Museum, other, the general public and journalists
Technical or other requirements for using the vocabulary
Intellectual property rights and conditions of useFree to use the vocabulary or incorporate it in your application
Free to use the vocabulary browsing tools (if applicable)
Costs for obtaining or using the vocabularycannot be downloaded, but free to copyCIDOCCRN
Which thesaurus or other vocabulary standards are followedCIDOC CRM, local application: SWEterm
Standardization bodies that are endorsing this vocabularySwedish National Council for Cultural Affairs started the project of producing the vocabulary. It is at present endorsed only by the Carlotta Group
Metadata set and elements