Transylvania in the Decade of Disintegration

Aurel DECEI, 'Aloisio Gritti în slujba sultanului Sülejman Kanunî după unele documente turceşi inedite, 1533-1534' (SMIM 7: 1974).

On the battles in Transylvania in 1527-28 (and also in 1529-36), see Roderich GOOSS, Die Siebenbürger Sachsen in der Planung der deutschen Südostpolitik (Vienna, 1940). On G. Reicherstorffer, see Bernhard CAPESIUS, 'Der Hermannstädter Humanist Georg Reicherstorffer' (FVLK 10: 1967). The works commemorating the anniversary in 1978 of Péter Rares offer detailed analyses from the perspective of Romanian policy: Petru Rareş, ed. by Leon SIMANSCHI (Bucharest, 1978), cf. the sharply critical review by P.S. NASTUREL and N. BELDICEANU (Turcica: Revue d'études turques, Paris, 12: 1980), and Radu CONSTANTINESCU, Moldava şi Transylvania in vremea lui Petru Rareş, 1527-1546 (Bucharest, 1978).

The period is also surveyed by Camil MUREŞAN, 'A román országok nemzetközi helyzete a XVI. század második felében' and Zsigmond JAKÓ, 'A székely társadalom útja a XIV-XVI. században', in Székely felkelés 1595-1596, előzményei, lefolyása, következményei, ed. by Samu BENKő, Lajos DEMÉNY, and Károly VEKOV (Bucharest, 1979), and its Romanian edition, Răscoala secuilor din 1595-1596: Antecedente, desfăşurare şi urmări (Bucharest, 1978).