Animal Healing

The healing of animals was also among the herdsman’s task. He carried it out by methods and procedures that were partly rational, partly irrational. They did not bother much about curing the wild (szilaj) stock, since their numbers were so great: there were always many left. Part of the loss was recovered from the skin of the dead stock. The most noted animal doctors came from among the shepherds, especially after the merino sheep came to be bred in the entire Carpathian Basin. They used an ointment made of quicksilver, turpentine, and suet on mangy sheep. A sheep suffering from the staggers was helped by an operation. Its head was cut open and the little sack of pus that had caused the illness was lifted out.

Fig. 120. Implements for cutting veins.

Fig. 120. Implements for cutting veins.
a) Zala County. b) Szentes, Csongrád County. Second half of 19th century

Rabies is the most dangerous sickness among dogs. They tried to forestall it by naming dogs after rivers, because it was believed that water protects animals from destructive illnesses. That is why Tisza, Bodrog, Duna, Sajó, etc., are the most widespread names for dogs. The dog spread its rabies through biting the peacefully grazing stock. They usually became aware of the stock’s illness only when the signs of rabies were already showing. At this point only the famous and widely known rabies doctor could help, and he generally cured the stock of its sickness. He accepted only food and drink for his work, and as a consequence these peasant doctors generally remained poor.

If the ruminant animal eats too much green fodder at one time, it blows up. In the case of sheep, they are chased around, and as a result of this method the outflow of air begins. An iron tube is inserted by the shoulder blade of bloated cattle and the air that was caught inside is led to escape.

In most villages there was a man who knew about the sicknesses of animals. He bled the stock according to need and let out as much blood as he judged to be unnecessary. Afterwards he sewed up the wound and the animal could go on grazing.